Ketoacid (Gkake2105)
This pairing put out about 50% skeleton gargs, but this one went the striped route. Ketoacid is a full sibling to Holoprotein and Addressin. He has a very nice example of color conjoinment that almost looks like another set of color stripes between those dorsal and side stripes. This is actually something I sometimes see, and have a project that will be working on refining this with his group. Ketoacid can be a little harder to pick up sometimes, but he does calm down and tolerate handling well.
Origin: GQR
Parents: Kanamycin (Atum x Taweret) x Kebechet (Northern Gecko))
Hatch Date: 7.26.2021
Sex: Male
Origin: GQR
Parents: Kanamycin (Atum x Taweret) x Kebechet (Northern Gecko))
Hatch Date: 7.26.2021
Sex: Male