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Available Crested Geckos (C. ciliatus)
You've caught me updating this page!
I'm currently trying to get these crested pages updated. I have a lot to do, but will be working to get these done and posted. I know it's been a long time since my last crested post; it's just been a crazy year. I appreciate the patience. I hope to have this back up, but TBD. Getting gargs up first, then I will work on these next.
UPDATE 10.29.24: Images have been taken, and I am working to watermark these then start evaluations. I will get my gargoyles and odd animals up prior to cresteds, but it HAS been started!
UPDATE 10.29.24: Images have been taken, and I am working to watermark these then start evaluations. I will get my gargoyles and odd animals up prior to cresteds, but it HAS been started!
In the meantime...
If you like cool stickers check out my new shop page: I will likely be adding some more as time goes by and more designs get printed. Packaging and shipping via USPS is included! Thank you for your support and much love! <3