Iodine (Gatam12001)
Iodine has beautiful bright, almost fluorescent, coloration with a pink background when fired. This girl was featured in the iHerp Calendar in 2014. She is always out on display in her enclosure. She has always preferred to sleep with her tail pushed up against the side of her enclosure, and over time it developed into floppy tail syndrome banking to the left side. She was radiographed to determine what was going on and if she would be able to pass eggs - infertile or fertile. There was no hip bone curvature or alteration, and only the tail was affected. She premiered 2015 with Thoth, and although it was a slow first year, she did produce.
Origin: GQR
Parents: Atum x Amenti
Hatch Date: 10.13.2012
Sex: Female
Origin: GQR
Parents: Atum x Amenti
Hatch Date: 10.13.2012
Sex: Female