Trithion (Ghoka16001)
Another fantastic production out of this pairing. Full sibling to B-Galactosidase, Cyanide, Vanzoate and Annexin; half sibling to Luminol, Ferric, Netazol, Methylphenol, Metaphos, Inidazole and Aroclor. This girl has kicked it out of the park producing some serious ultra blotches and ultra skeletons. Easy to handle, pickup, and is generally out on display. This girl is not shy, skittish, stubborn or sassy. Very proud of this girl!
Origin: GQR
Parents: Horus x Kauket (Broadway x Rowan)
Hatch Date: 7.3.2016
Sex: Female
Origin: GQR
Parents: Horus x Kauket (Broadway x Rowan)
Hatch Date: 7.3.2016
Sex: Female